Friday, November 6, 2009

This is a new thing for me. I don't know exactly where this is going to lead. A few years ago I went to a doctor and was told I had ADAH and Depression. I was about 14. It was hard handling the news and juggling the beginning of high school. I stopped taking the medicine that the doctor gave me. My mother was not satisfied with the short appointments and then I got medicine. A few years later my mother took me to a different doctor. This doctor said that I was bipolar. I hated taking my medicine so I stopped. I hated the idea that I needed a pill to make me happy. My mother decided to take me to a Natural medicine based doctor. She spent a lot more time talking to me and trying to really getting inside of my brain, but it was the same stuff. It was medicine it was different minerals and vitamins that would have an effect on my brain. We could never find the perfect combination. I stopped going there. I then fell off the deep end. After being hospitalized for my suicide attempt I went to a new doctor. The one I have now. I wish I could say that the medicine world finally created something that worked, but I would be lying. Up until a month ago things were ok for the most part. Then the realization that my medicine's side effects were actually taking effect. I started gaining weight. Too much weight. My doctor decided to take me off the Depakote...she thinks that is what is causing this weight gain. This is where I am at now. Getting off the Depakote and on to some medicine that starts with a C. That is the shortest back story to where I am now that I could give. As this blog continues you will learn more, but more now that is sufficient.

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